Plage du Capcoz
Plage Fouesnant Capcoz
Plage Fouesnant Capcoz



The purpose of these General Terms of Services (here after referred to as “GTS”) is to define the conditions of use of the website accessible at the address (here after referred to as “the Company”) makes available to Internet users (here after referred to as "Users").


For the purposes of these GTS, the terms used have the following meaning:

“Data”: means personal data as defined in Article 4 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of these data (here after referred to as “General Data Protection Regulations”) which are provided by the User to the Company or which are collected by the Company on the occasion of the use of the Website “the Company”, “The Publisher”: The owner as described in the “legal notices” section “Website”: designates the interactive electronic service published and operated by the Company, accessible in particular at the address from which it allows access to its Services.

“Services”: designate the services provided by the Company on the Website and described in article 3 of these GTS, as well as their possible extensions in the form of alerts, newsletters, calendar and functionalities of the terminal of the 'User, necessary for their operation.

“User”: designates any natural person who accesses the Website for strictly private use.


2.1. The purpose of these GTS is to define the conditions under which the User benefits from the Services provided by the Company through its Website.

2.2. Subscribing to, accessing or using the Services implies acceptance without restriction or reservation of these GTS by the User. By choosing to browse the Site, users acknowledge having consulted these GTS and accept, expressly and without reservation, their terms.

2.3. These GTS may be subject to modifications, the applicable conditions are those accessible on the Company's Website on the date of access to the Website by the User.


3.1 Service descriptions

The purpose of the Site is to provide the user with information relating to all of the company's activities. Mainly, the Services provided on the Company's Website consist of presenting a property for seasonal rental and providing contact information. The information appearing on the site is given subject to modifications made since it was put online. Despite its efforts, the company cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for any involuntary error on its part resulting in the absence of accuracy, relevance, completeness or timeliness of the information present on the Site. The same applies to the legal availability of the goods mentioned in the advertisements.

3.2 Availability of services

The Company makes its best efforts to make the Site accessible permanently, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, subject to maintenance operations of the Site or the Servers on which it is hosted. The company reserves the right to modify, suspend, interrupt at any time temporarily or permanently all or part of the Services without prior information to users and without right to compensation. In addition, due to the characteristics and limits inherent to the Internet network, the company cannot be held responsible for difficulties in accessing the Service due to the possible saturation of the networks at certain periods, the slowness of the connection, fluctuations bandwidth and the vagaries of the access provider, or any other technical problem due to circumstances and/or technical intermediaries external to the Company or the interruption of services ordered by an administrative or jurisdictional authority.

3.3 Rules for access to services by the user

The User acknowledges and accepts that access to the Website and the Services made available by the Company cannot entail any transfer or concession of intellectual property rights and other rights for the benefit of the User. Access to the Services is exclusively limited to the private and personal use of the User under the conditions and limits defined in these GTS and in accordance with the provisions of article L.122-5 2° of the Intellectual Property Code . Thus, the User acknowledges and accepts that the private and personal use granted to him by the Company, for access to its Services, excludes in particular access to the Services with a view to collective use of its content. , reproduction, representation, resale, exchange, rental, transfer to a third party, modification, adaptation, correction, both free of charge and for a fee, of all or part of the Site, of the Services, and their contents.


The Site may include hypertext links to other sites. The establishment of these links does not imply approval by the Publisher of the content of said sites. The User therefore acknowledges that the Publisher cannot be held responsible for any proven or alleged damage or loss, resulting from or in connection with the use or the fact of having become aware of the content, advertising, products or services. available on these sites or external sources. Likewise, the Publisher of this Site cannot be held liable if the User's visit to one of these sites causes him harm. If, despite the efforts of the Publisher, one of the hypertext links present on the Site pointed to a site or an internet source whose content was or appeared not to comply with the requirements of French law to a User, the latter shall undertakes to immediately contact the publication director of the Site, whose contact details appear in the legal notices of the Site, in order to communicate to him the address of the pages of the third party site in question.


The cookie policy is accessible on this page through the “Cookies policy” link.


The company is the owner or licensee of the intellectual property rights of both the general structure of the website and its content. All elements of this Site belong to the Publisher or a third party agent, or are used by the Publisher on the Site with the authorization of their owner. Any representation, reproduction, modification, publication or adaptation of all or part of the elements of the site (logos, textual content, pictographic photographs or videos, without this list being exhaustive) is strictly prohibited and amounts to counterfeiting. Any unauthorized use of the site or any of the elements it contains will also be considered to constitute counterfeiting. Any person contravening these provisions incurs the sanctions provided for in articles L.335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code.


7.1. Contractual limitations on technical data

The Site Editor is only bound by an obligation of means; it cannot be held liable for damage resulting from use of or access to the Site such as loss of data, intrusion, virus, service interruption, bug, incompatibilities or others. The user is solely responsible for his use of the website. The User expressly agrees to use the Site at his own risk and under his exclusive responsibility. The user undertakes to access the site using recent equipment, not containing viruses and with an updated latest generation browser. In any event, the Company cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for:

• any direct or indirect damage, in particular with regard to loss of profits, loss of earnings, loss of customers, loss of data which may, among other things, result from the use of the Site, or on the contrary from the impossibility of its use ;

• a malfunction, unavailability of access, misuse, misconfiguration of the User's computer, or even the use of a browser little used by the User . The company cannot be held responsible for any malfunction of any nature whatsoever relating to the user's computer, electrical or electronic equipment or their internet access connection.

7.2. Hyperlinks

The site may contain hypertext links to third party websites. In this regard, given the evanescent nature of the content that may be disseminated there, the Company cannot be held liable in the event that the content of said third-party websites contravenes the legal and/or regulatory provisions in force.

7.3. Disclaimer In any event, the Company cannot be held responsible for:

• in the event of unavailability of the Services for reasons such as failure of the public electricity network, failure of cable telecommunications networks, loss of connectivity to the Internet network due to public or private operators, in particular the User, the causes of which come in particular from strikes, storms, earthquakes or any other cause having the characteristics of force majeure;

• in the event of use of the Services by a User in conditions that do not comply with the terms of these GTS;

• within the limits of current legislation, for any indirect damage, including in particular loss of profit, data or any other loss of intangible property, even if the Company has been informed of the potential for such damage, that may arise from the use or inability to use the Services following access to said Services by an unauthorized User.


The Company cannot be held liable if the execution of one of its obligations is prevented or delayed due to a case of force majeure as defined by article 1218 of the Civil Code and in particular, without s limit, natural disasters, fires, malfunction or interruption of the telecommunications network or the electrical network.


For any information of a technical nature or relating to the operation of the Services accessible via the Website, the User is invited to refer to the “Contact” section accessible on the Website.


The policy relating to the protection of personal data is accessible on this page through the “Privacy policy” link.


In the event that one or more stipulations of these GTS are considered null, deemed unwritten or declared as such in application of a law, a regulation or following a decision of a competent court having authority res judicata as a last resort, all other stipulations will retain all their force and scope and will remain fully valid and applicable.


These GTS are subject to French law. In the event of a dispute relating to the application, interpretation, validity and execution of these GTS, and in the absence of an amicable agreement between the parties, exclusive jurisdiction is assigned to the Courts of Versailles (78).


General Terms (see below)


Privacy policy


Cookies Policy


Last update : 25/05/2024


Vue sur mer

"Les sables"


Sea view

"Les sables"